Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eating fermented foods

Fermentation is a process where carbohydrates are broken down into alcohols or acids. Fermented foods are easier to digest and are loaded with probiotics and nutrients.  Bread, cheese, and even beer is fermented. The taste of the food becomes more flavorful.

Try these other options for fermented foods that carry a boatload of nutrition in it.

Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha, and Tempeh.



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Kefir has a great deal of bad bacteria fighting powers. It cleanses and recolonizes the intestines. It is also full of minerals. Kefir can be made with goat milk, cow milk, coconut milk, soy milk and so on. It has a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system and helps people to sleep well. Kefir can kill bad bacteria like E Coli. Kefir can also reduce high blood pressure. It is loaded with calcium, protein, and potassium. It looks a lot like yogurt, but has way more nutrition than yogurt. Home made kefir is really high in alcohol content which is beneficial. But the risk of contamination is not worth it. Commercial Kefir is not as effective, but definitely worth trying. Kefir made at home looks a lot like cauliflower.


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Kimchi is considered as one of the healthiest foods in the world. It is an acquired taste. It is an extremely popular Korean food. The fermentation process releases a very good bacteria that is extremely helpful to the intestines. Kimchi helps in weight loss and promotes immunity. It helps to clear Urinary Tact Infection, shortens cold, reduces acid reflux symptoms, and the benefits are endless. Making it at home and fermenting it is excellent. If it is trouble, then purchasing from a Korean store might be helpful. You can also make salt free Kim Chee. Kim chi has been used to cure stomach ulcers.


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Helps in cleansing the liver. Prevents cancer. Helps relieve arthritis pain. Detoxifies the body and keeps you healthy and clean. It's rich in antioxidants and helps in building the immune system. Be careful about the dangers of making this tea at home. It can cause anthrax like substance which is harmful. It can easily absorb lead if it is made in unsafe containers. Many people have ended up in the hospital and even died because of this. Test a little Kombucha tea if it is the first time you are trying it. It's possible that you might be allergic to it. So be sure that you are well informed before you get started on this drink. It is also a great idea to make sure that your doctor has noted it down that you have started yourself on this drink. Kombucha tea has been around for over 2000 years with great results. So be sure that you are aware of the positives and negatives before you get started.

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Tempeh is very nutritive and contains many health promoting phytochemicals such as isoflavones and soy saponins. Tempeh fermentation produces natural antibiotic agents but leaves the desirable soy isoflavones and most of the saponins intact. Tempeh is a complete protein food that contains all the essential amino acids. The soy protein and isoflavones have many health benefits. Isoflavones strengthen bones, help to ease menopause symptoms, reduce risk of coronary hearth disease and some cancers. Tempeh maintains all the fiber of the beans and gains some digestive benefits from the enzymes created during the fermentation process.

(Above Information from

Tempeh is rich in vitamin B12, fiber, and protein. The proteins are easier to digest and the iron is more bio available. There are usually black spots on it which make people think that their Tempeh is spoilt. Infact, those black spots are a characteristic of Tempeh. You can make your own tempeh at home.


  1. You are so absolutely right about fermented foods.I feel eating fermented soya is the best thing as opposed to processed soya.What do u think..?

  2. the process of making kimchi involves non vegetarian a a veg version available?

  3. You can do the vegetarian version.
